Thursday, December 14, 2006

Angels and Insects

Wasp nest in back yard

I was sitting on the front patio, reading, when I noticed a swarm of flies invading. It was small at first, and then began to build. I quickly realized that they were not flies at all, but small black wasps. Within seconds I was driven into the house as the swarm intensified and they began building a nest on the beam in the corner.

This was not the first time. About a year ago I returned from the states to find a nest already constructed in the same location. Rod had tried smoking them out with a chiminea, but to no avail. We were forced to abandon the front porch and use the back door. (We also had to keep an eye on our dog Evita because she likes to eat the wasps even though they sting her in the mouth. I guess she thinks they’re spicy.)

“You need to spray them with soapy water,” was Andrea’s advice, “Then run like hell.”

So last year I put on my top coat, gloves and a hat, loaded the “Super Soaker” with soapy water, launched my attack and ran like hell. The nest was instantly demolished but to my surprise, reconstruction began immediately. It was like a neighborhood barn raising, as if all the neighboring wasps dropped by to help rebuild. It was Maria, our maid, who found the solution by spraying the beam with Raid through the window screen.

So this year I went straight to my “Service Advertisement” file and found an exterminator. But when I returned I found Maria on the patio, towel over her head, mopping the beam with soapy water. Who needs an exterminator when one had a brave maid?

A couple of days later, while pruning a tree, I found the huge nest you see in the photo. It is difficult to get the perspective in the photo but I was not about to stick my hand up there. It is far enough away from the house that we have an agreement, they don’t bother me and I won’t bother them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chip - I would have loved to see you in action against the WASPs, sooper soaker in hand! Had a nest in my eaves last year but Michael wouldn't let me take care of it in my usual passive approach (M-80 with a long fuse). By the way, you've got to have a chat with sink sink sock about his/her comment. AND I've misplaced your email address (please provide, Michael and I may be travelling). Hope you two have a wonderful felice navidad. Jim