Friday, September 26, 2008


I don’t think he’s really this tall, do you?

Alex and I dropped in at the Obama-fest fundraiser last night. This was my first democratic event in San Miguel and I have to say that it was an interesting crowd.

Think social mixer (about 400 people) at a retirement home for hippies. (It wasn’t a retirement home, it was a private residence, but that was the feel of the event.)

When I thought about it, doesn’t it make sense that democrats that live abroad might just be a lot of old hippies? (Many with money, but hippies nonetheless.) They would probably be the first to leave the trappings of corporate America and the policies of the current administration.

After watching the first presidential debate tonight, I sent the following to the Democratic National Party website:

"After watching the debates tonight, I have a suggestion. I hated the way that McCain kept saying that Obama " . . . doesn't understand . . .", clearly trying to imply that he, McCain, is older and wiser. I think that Obama, when rebutting a statement, policy or point of history, should start with, "John, you probably don't remember . . ." (Just an idea to level the playing field.)"

1 comment:

Donna said...

Excellent! Just the comment Obama needs to be making.

And yes, you're right about the "aging hippies" demographic in SMA... though not exclusively. But the one thing I've always loved about San Miguel de Allende is that when you meet someone new, before you learn anything else about them you already know they are interesting, or they would not have chosen to move to Mexico.
