Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Twink Spanish Teacher

June 18, 2003

Alex, the 20-year-old persistent Spanish teacher, has moved in. He got kicked out of his old apartment for being two days late on the rent and he doesn’t have two pesos to rub together. He has been an excellent roommate although I have thus far turned down all invitations to play PlayStation games with him. He lives on hot dogs. I took him to a hoity toity gringo cocktail party out in the country and he picked up two new students so he should be back on his feet before long.

At the cocktail party I also met a woman named Jane who has published a couple of books, worked in the film industry and has generally made a great deal of money on her writing career. She also sits on the board of directors for the charitable organization that I want to get involved with. She likes the idea of a benefit concert featuring my Mexican pianist friend Rodolfo Morales, who graduated with a masters from Julliard. She invited me to her house for dinner last night, where the Dali Lama’s nephew (yes, the real thing) and his wife prepared the meal. (There was no yak readably available so they used beef.) (Oh, and at the party the night before I met Bob Makey(sp?) who is apparently the dress designer for Cher and the likes. But I found him rather dull.)

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