Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I enjoyed this communication so I thought I’d share. (Christian is a friend in Mexico City and Toby is a friend from Vienna who is coming to visit for a month.)

Hello Charles!

Next Monday is my birthday, so we are planning to go skydiving the following weekend (Sunday, Feb 1st) in Teques, it’s the safest place or at least the most famous (and safest) one around, so I thought you guys might want to join us since you will be in Mex City with Toby. We would leave Mexico City Sunday morning, 1.5 hr drive to Teques. Jump at 13 hrs., then have lunch around there, and come back, expecting to be back in Mexico City at 18:30 pm.

Price: 2,150 pesos per person, and if you want a video of you taken while in the air, its 950 pesos extra.

As of today, we would jump in pairs (2 persons per flight), but there’s a big chance they are using a bigger plane cause they have more people jumping.

The website is check it out.

Hopefully you want to join!


Dear Toby,

I already told Christian that "I ain't jump'n outta no frigg'n airplane" but here is the information in case you are interested.

Hi Charles,

Thanks for the info, but I am with you! After 12 hours on a plane the day before, I don't feel like going on another plane the day immediately after with jetlag, just to jump out of it again. I would do skydiving, however if I would do it I'd rather do it over here in Europe with higher chances of survival.



Paola Juarez said...

I literally LMAO reading this email chain! Pao

Paola Juarez said...

I literally LMAO reading this email chain! Pao