Wednesday, October 28, 2009


We had it. The Flu that is, about a month ago. We didn’t know it at the time.

Rod had just returned from a 10-day dog show in Mexico City. Thousands of people (and dogs) under one roof, poor ventilation and probably not the best sanitation precautions.

His client was the first to get sick. He turned ill almost immediately after arriving home. A few days later, as he was on the mend, I got slammed.

Typical nausea and diarrhea, fever and chills, I was curled up in a ball for a day. I called Rod and asked him pick up electrolytes on his way home from work. Then came the headache. For two days I wanted to die.

Then it was gone. Really only three bad days.

Rod’s client’s case moved into pneumonia and she tested positive for H1N1. That’s how we know we had it even though we never tested.

Everyone is fine now and funny enough, glad we got it out of the way. Now we don’t have to worry about getting it nor face all the controversy about getting the shot.

Best of luck to y'all. But if you ask me, it was milder than other flu's that I've had. If you get it, stay in bed and keep hydrated. It will probably be over before you know it.

1 comment:

Rodrigo Garibay said...

MMS helped!!! Besos