Friday, November 20, 2009

Pescado con Salsa de Mantequilla

When Rod and I travel by air we make it a habit to browse the magazine shop and look for cooking magazines in Spanish. We kill time waiting for our flight by flipping through the recipes looking for something interesting. Then we bring them home and ask our maid to cook them for us. (One big advantage to having a maid who can read!)

This is one of my favorites. Although once I translated it I realized that I am really sacrificing health for taste. (Read into that butter and frying.) But it is so good!

Pescado con Salsa de Mantequilla
(Fish in Butter Sauce)

Salt & freshly ground pepper
4 fish fillets (Tilapia or Red Snapper)
1 cup all purpose flour
2 teaspoons olive oil
¼ cup small capers
2 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 Tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
½ teaspoon lime juice

1. Season fillets with salt & pepper on both sides. Dredge fillets in flower and shake off excess.

2. Fry fillets in oil over medium heat, three minutes per side or until they are firm and golden brown. Set aside.

3. To prepare the sauce, melt 1/3 cup butter. Remove from heat when butter begins to darken. Add the capers, vinegar, parsley and two Tablespoons more of butter. When the additional butter melts and the sauce thickens slightly, stir in the lemon juice and mix well.

4. Pour the sauce over the fillets and serve immediately.

Serves 4

(Rice and broccoli make good side dishes for this entrée.)

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