Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Bay Area Visit

After our border ordeal, we picked up our rent-a-car and headed out for Robert and Rudy’s home. It was around midnight and the fog had settled over our destination, the Oakland hills. With visibility limited to a few feet in front of the bumper, I crept along only mildly comforted by the knowledge that Rodrigo had no idea that merely a few feet to our right was a thousand foot drop.

Robert greeted us when we arrived and we sipped wine as I shared our customs and immigration story.

The next morning at breakfast Rudy was pouring coffee. “I left the activities section of the newspaper in your room. Just in case you want see what is happening around town while you are here.”

“I hear there is a kiddie porn convention,” Robert said.

Our Bay Area visit was whirl-wind. We only planned a week and it should have been at least 10 days. In addition to catching up with friends in San Francisco we did the tourist gig for Rodrigo’s benefit. This included staying on Nob Hill, hiking Fisherman’s Wharf, shopping like wild men and of course, eating fresh crab at every opportunity. The end of our trip included a visit to the wine country in Napa Valley.

It was great to share my old environment with Rodrigo and he is ready to return any time. And I believe that it was Stew (a friend for more than 20 years) who said, “Tell Rod that if you do anything stupid and screw up this relationship he is always welcome at our home.”


Anonymous said...

Laurie Hannah said...please call me next time you are in the Bay Area. I am only an hour away from SF/Oak and would love to see you and meet all of your wonderful friends. Happy New Year, friend.

Charles Thomas said...

You got it girl. I'd love to see you and introduce you to Rodrigo. We should be up in April. Do you ski? We might head up to Tahoe for a couple of days. Happy New year to you as well. Besos (kisses).

Anonymous said...

I ski only if it is nice weather but I look awfully good in a "bunny" suit sittiing in the lodge or to be perfectly honest "the bar." Call me.